When you donate to the Chrisalis Foundation Inc. your funds directly make an impact to the life of a young person living with disability in Victoria.
We rely on donations and fundraising to provide resources and equipment via our resources program as we do not receive government funding or grants. Donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductible in Australia. We have a secure facility for online donations via PayPal.
For more information on how to donate to the Chrisalis Foundation, please contact us info@chrisalisfoundation.org.au or phone 0421 035 809.
We thank you for your generosity and support.

$2000 Communication devices
$2000 Laptops, IPAD’s
$1000- $500 Camps, holiday programs
$1000- $500 Any type of therapy
$1000- $500 Equipment

$1000- $250 Short term respite, short term home support
$500-$150 Support for counselling
$250-$50 Peer support, educational workshops
$80-$100 Planning support
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Leave a Bequest
Leaving a bequest in your Will is the ultimate gift of giving. Your legacy will continue to help our work in providing resources for young people living with disability.
For more information on how to leave a bequest to the Chrisalis Foundation, please contact us info@chrisalisfoundation.org.au or phone 0421 035 809.
We thank you for your generosity and support.